Tag: Accountability

A person holding a plant in their hand

The paradox of virtue signalling

While a brand can align itself with and support social causes, ultimately, its existence relies on generating revenue and profit. As such, positioning a brand as virtuous is a challenging and, at times, paradoxical task for marketing practitioners.

Leadership for the greater good and transparency

Leadership for the greater good and transparency

Transparency is a buzzword of modern leadership and governance. In the context of public concern about political and business ethics and low trust in government and business, improving transparency is one way in which leaders can restore public trust in their institutions.

Leadership for the greater good and accountability

Leadership for the greater good and accountability

Accountability is a buzzword of modern leadership and governance. In the context of public concern about political and business ethics and low trust in government and business, improving accountability is one way in which leaders can restore public trust in their institutions.



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